Go to Past Members


RPI Collaborators

Robert Linhardt, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Glycobiology

Jonathan Dordick, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Cell-based drug discovery Website

Scott Forth, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Single molecule fluorescence Website

Jennifer Hurley, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Circadian rhythm Website

Marvin Bentley, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - vesicle transport in neurons Website

Leo Wan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Left-right symmetry Website

New York State Collaborators

Nikolaos Robakis, Mount Sinai - Alzheimer’s disease Website

David Eliezer, Weill Cornell Medical College - IDPs in neurodegeneration Website

Ding Xu, University at Buffalo - Glycobiology

Brian Callahan, Binghamton University - Hedgehog autoprocessing Website

Sozanne Solmaz, Binghamton University - Microtubule transport Website

Yingkai Zhang, New York University - Computational biology Website

Stewart Loh, Upstate Medical University - p53

Yue-Ming Li, Memorial Sloan Kettering Center - Gamma-secretase Website

Sally Temple, Neural Stem Cell Institute - Nueral stem cells Website

U.S. Collaborators

Jian Liu, University of North Carolina - Glycobiology

Lianchun Wang, University of South Florida - Glycobiology

Jianhan Chen, University of Massachusetts Amherst - Computational biology Website

Gal Bitan, University of California Los Angeles - Alzheimer’s disease Website

Angel Garcia, Los Alamos National Labs - Computational biology

International Collaborators

Guy Lippens, Toulouse, France - Tau protein

Iban Ubarretxena-Belandia, Biofisika Institute (UPV/EHU, CSIC), Leioa, Spain, - Intramembrane proteolysis

Thomas Shrader, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, - Organic and Bio-Chemistry of tweezer Website

Past Lab Members

Past Postdoc
Jing (Jackie) Zhao

Past: Postdoc


Jackie is now a full professor at China Agriculture University in Beijing, China.

(Click for a link to her page)

Yuanyuan Xiao

Past: Research associate


Yuanyuan is now a senior scientist at Eurofin.

(Click for a link to his page)

Jie Fang

Past: Research associate

Jan.- July 2020

Jie is now an assistant professor at University of Michigan at Dearborn.

(Click for a link to his page)

Xinyue (Sherry) Liu

Past: Postdoc


Sherry is currently a postdoc at Harvard University.

(Click for a link to his page)

Zhenming Du

Past: Postdoc


Zhenming (Jimmy) is now the manager of NMR center at Georgia State University.

(Click for a link to his page)

Yangzhong Liu

Past: Postdoc


Yangzhong is now a professor at the University of Science and Technology of China.

(Click for a link to his page)

Past Graduate Students
Shannon Faris

Past: Graduate Student (PHd)


Shannon sucessfully completed his defense and has taken a full time position.

Anqesha Murray

Past: Graduate Student (PHd)


Anqesha sucessfully completed his defense and has taken a full time position.

Dylan Mah

Past: Graduate Student (PHd)


Dylan sucessfully completed his defense and has taken a full time position.

Allison Zwarycz

Past: Graduate Student (MS)


Andrea Bisson

Past: Graduate Student (MS)


Nicolina Clemente

Past: Graduate Student (PhD)


Nicolina carried out high presssure NMR studies of Aβ mutants (published in Chemical Communications in 2018) and s tudied a key topic in the generation of Aβ: how substrate APPTM interacts intramembrane protease. Her publication in Scientific Reports in 2018 represents the first study of substrate-intramembrane protease interaction at atomic resolution, with important implications for many diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and cancer. She is currently a postdoctoral scientist at Van Andel Research Institute, carrying out cryoEM studies of membrane proteins.

(Click for a link to her page)

Jian Xie

Past: Graduate Student (PhD)


Jian Xie studied the relationship between Zinc and Hedgehog signaling and discovered that Zn diffciency may be related to Hedgehog activation in cancers. This work was published in JBC and was one of most viewed papers on JBC website. Jian then went on to study the mechanism of a special process in Hedgehog signaling, called Hedgehog autoprocessing and described a new structural mechanism in a publication in JACS. He is now a postdoctoral research associate at Yale University.

David Rosenman

Past: Graduate Student (PhD)


David was a joint student between Angel Garcia and me. He carried out combined NMR and MD studies of Aβ, which provided unprecedented insight into the structure and dynamics of Aβ. He has published a number of high impact papers. For example, his 2013 JMB paper (Rosenman, David J., et al. "Aβ monomers transiently sample oligomer and fibril-like configurations: ensemble characterization using a combined MD/NMR approach." Journal of molecular biology 425.18 (2013): 3338-3359.) has already been cited over 120 times! He is currently a Protein Characterization Scientist at Eurofins

Christopher Connors

Past: Graduate Student (PhD)


Chris carried out NMR drug screening for Aβ, and he found that tranilast, an approved drug in Asia, can bind to Aβ and promote Aβ fibrillation. This is one of the early examples of drug discovery in intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) using a combined MD/NMR approach! He is currently a Senior Scientist at Xtal BioStructures Inc.

Wen Chen

Past: Graduate Student (PhD)


Wen Chen solved the NMR structure of APPTM, an important domain in the generation of Aβ, resulting in a paper in Nature Communications. This work establishes a new structural mechanism for several genetic variants of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and has been widely cited, e.g., by the premium AD research website alzforum. He also was the first to discover the intramolecular disulfide bond at intein active site, an excellent study published in Journal of American Chemical Society. He is currently a research associate at Harvard Medical School.

Jiajing Liu

Past: Graduate Student (PhD)


Jiajing solved two NMR structures. We shared a strong interest in human health and diseases. After RPI, he went on to obtain an MD at Tufts Medical School and is now practising medicine in Worcester, MA.

Nikolaos Sgourakis

Past: Graduate Student (PhD)


Yilin Yan

Past: Graduate Student (PhD)


Yilin was Dr. Wang's first graduate student and he carried out detailed NMR studies of amyloid β-peptide, a key molecule in Alzheimer’s disease. His first paper on the dynamics of Aβ, also the first paper of my lab, has been cited over 200 times now. He obtained his PhD in four years, with a total of 8 publications, including papers in Nature Medicine, Journal of American Chemical Society. He is currently Head of Protein Science in the newly established Pfizer Asia Discovery Labs in Shanghai.

Technicians and Research Associates
Nabin Kandel
Nabin Kandel

Past: Research Associate


Nabin has moved on to Regeneron.

Eric Gamache

Past: Research Associate


Past Undergraduate Students
Zahabiya Campwala

Past: Undergrad Student


Emma Spiegler

Past: Undergrad Student


Virginia Zu

Past: Undergrad Student


Zhongqiang Lin

Past: Undergrad Student


Michelle Scotile

Past: Undergrad Student


Emiley Tou

Past: Undergrad Student


Benjamin Daniels

Past: Undergrad Student


Amanda Labuza

Past: Undergrad Student


Cate Harvey

Past: Undergrad Student


Patricia Shen

Past: Undergrad Student


Wendy Ho

Past: Undergrad Student


Sheela Rao

Past: Undergrad Student


Ahmad Nazem

Past: Undergrad Student


Danielle Richardson

Past: Undergrad Student


Kelly Lottman

Past: Undergrad Student


Lucy Greetham

Past: Undergrad Student


Roshni Naidu

Past: Undergrad Student


Meredith Eger

Past: Undergrad Student


David Ban

Past: Undergrad Student


Chenhui Yao

Past: Undergrad Student


Aria Bryan

Past: Undergrad Student


Alexina Haynes

Past: Undergrad Student


Abderahmane Benghanem

Past: Undergrad Student


Teresa Burton

Past: Undergrad Student


Alice Hsu

Past: Undergrad Student


Past Rotation Students
William Fall

Past: Rotation Student